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02:59 p.m. - 2017-01-08
Time to move on.
He will not leave me alone. The phone calls. The emails. The messages. It is constant. I can’t bring myself to block him completely yet, but I’m awfully close. I guess I leave the door open to see what he’s got to say or maybe a part of me doesn’t want to believe what I’ve figured out. I just keep thinking of all the time I’ve wasted. YEARS wasted. But the real irony is that this UNFAITHFUL dickface has been on my case trying to make me feel bad for not saying I love you. You know what, I’m glad I don’t love him! And this is exactly why I held back so long I think. Like a part of me is RELIEVED it has fallen apart. Relieved that I need not put up with another steroid induced mood or tirade. Relieved that I don’t have to pretend shit any longer. You know what, good luck to him. Let him run girl after girls through cytrack, finding out their secrets and what they do behind his back. Let him figure things out on his own and go have plenty of bad experiences to realise just how much he’s fucked up. And no it isn’t bitter, or jealousy. It’s pure ‘told you so’ and i so look forward to his life falling apart when he can’t replace my integrity, loyalty and innocence. He knows just what he had and it is gone.. I’m finally, FINALLY.. D O N E !



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